Haben Sie Deutsch lesen? If Google Translator is to be trusted (and, like a broken clock, it’s right at least twice a day) I’ve just asked you if you read German. If so, I’ve got an announcement to make, and a favor to ask.

It’s bothered me for years that my books in general, and my Matthew Scudder novels in particular, are not available in the German language. While many of them were published in Germany some years ago, and were well received at the time, all are out of print. (Ruhet in Frieden is the sole exception, and that’s a clear result of the Scott Frank film starring Liam Neeson.)

whiskey bottle, ice and glass, green background

whiskey bottle, ice and glass, green background

I’ve teamed up with translator Stefan Mommertz with the intention of publishing the complete Scudder series in German. Stefan has just completed his translation of the first book, The Sins of the Fathers, and I’m happy to report that Die Sünden der Vater should be available shortly—first as an ebook, and, if all goes as we hope, eventually as a quality paperback as well.

The challenge we face is making German readers aware of the book. While I can reach a good many English-speaking readers through my newsletter and social media outlets, I have no such access to the German-speaking world. That’s where you may be able to help.

It would be my pleasure to give you a complimentary reviewer’s galley, with the hope that you’ll do what you can to let potential readers know about it. If you’re able to review the book or blog about it, that would be excellent, and most welcome. If you’re moved to write a paragraph about it as an Amazon review, that too would be greatly appreciated. And if all you feel able to do is spread the word to friends and associates, even that will help get the book some attention. Sharing this message on social media, or forwarding it to anybody you think might be interested, will be a big help

Email me at lawbloc@gmail.com to let me know if you’d like to help, and whether you prefer a mobi file (for Kindle) or an ePub file (for other eReaders). I’ll get the galley to you as soon as it’s available, and I’ll make sure you’re on a special mailing list for updates on more German Scudders.

Vielen Dank!