My novel Random Walk was published in 1988, and engendered a remarkable groundswell of apathy. Sales were slim, reviews were blah, and that was that.
Except it wasn’t, because over the years the book found an audience, small, but enthusiastic. For some readers it was the one book of mine they just didn’t get at all; for others, it was the one they re-read twenty times.
This email turned up in my mailbox this morning, and it’s my great pleasure to share it:
Greetings Lawrence,
I am delighted to add my name to the many fans of your novel Random Walk. I read it with much enthusiasm as an e-book and, as the saying goes, could barely put it down.
I came across it in the course of accumulating ideas and stories for my own upcoming book, Walk Like A Mountain. This will be the first comprehensive study of traditional and modern walking practices for Buddhists and other spiritual seekers. I am covering some 10-15 examples of spiritual practices from all over the world. I found Random Walk through a search on “walk” titles and was delighted with the treatment of walking. Like the characters in the book, I too found this walk irresistible and joined in whole-heartedly.
What you present in Random Walk seems a classic pilgrimage walk where seekers step away from their regular lives, come together and set off in an adventure of self-exploration and communal experience. It would probably be a stretch to force any parallels to the legendary great pilgrimages to Jerusalem, across Spain or Japan, but there are definite parallels to Chaucer’s scenario in Canterbury Tales.
Your unique formulation of a somewhat surreal space that surrounds the walkers, this healing environment is not so out of place on a pilgrimage, although perhaps not to the scale you describe. I was fascinated how well you anticipated the Gaia hypothesis in your vision of a kind of earth spirit or planetary brain which initiates this world-wide transformation. I agree that the next great transformation will not come from some charismatic leader or villain but rather from a spontaneous emergence of loving energy among ordinary people by the numbers. Maybe we’re seeing some of that in the Occupy and “Spring” movements?
Finally, as a Buddhist, I found Buddhist themes of interconnection, suffering/healing and insight-wisdom marbled throughout the book. As a Buddhist teacher, I will be recommending the work to all I encounter. I will also include some recommendation in my own book.
Thank you sincerely for this most satisfying read,
May your walk be a walk of wisdom and healing too,
Innen Ray Parchelo
Dharma teacher
Red Maple Sangha,
Renfrew Ontario
Wow, Larry. That’s one of the coolest fan letters I’ve ever seen. Isn’t it fun seeing what readers take away from your writing?
It is indeed, Jaye. And you know what else is nice? You don’t generally hear from the ones who hate your stuff…
They just snipe on Amazon. Ah well.
My favorite fan letter of all time came from a 14-year-old who told me, “Good job!” I should frame it.
By the way, what was the original pub/cr date for Threesome? I’m collecting vintage Block cover images for my Pinterest board.
I read the book when it came out and loved it, even though it wasn’t your usual stuff. I’m a Scudder-phile. It’s stuck with me all these years, and I still have it. This makes me want to reread it. Congrats on its re-emergence in this wonderful letter!
Thanks, Judy!
I read the book back shortly after it was on the shelves(I may have bought it from you ) and remember then that I thought it was before its time, maybe it time is now, I enjoyed it then and maybe I should read it again after all these years, maybe it had more impact on my life than I would have thought. Always the Fan Roland
Perhaps you could give it a special price day on Amazon and we could push it up the charts! The last offer didn’t seem to stretch as far as the UK, don’t fret though, in looking I downloaded three other titles of yours which weren’t on offer with one simple click (well three simple clicks actually)
Those Kindle deals all seem to be US-only, Chrissie. Dunno why, but that’s how they do it. Random Walk’s got a relatively low price point to start, though—just $3.99. (Though I suspect it’s higher in the UK.)
£8.23! We know you’re worth it in the UK.
Wow. Her letter blows me away! But I know what she means. That’s you all over, Larry.