All Changed, More Than Ever…

Scott Turow’s op-ed piece in today’s New York Times (“The Slow Death of the American Author”), following in the wake of Hugh Howey’s offering on (“Self-publishing is the Future—and Great for Writers”) puts me in mind...

Email: A Mixed Blessing

Here’s an email that came in a few days ago from an unknown (to me) sender: Some time back while I was in Antigua, Guatemala I ran into a retired U.S. Air Force, West Point graduate who when sent to Columbia University to get his Doctorate in Economics told me...

Tonight on CraigyFerg…

I’m appearing tonight on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, broadcast on CBS at 12:35 am Eastern, 11:35 pm Central. Himself and I will be talking about Hit Me, currently on bookstore shelves when it’s not flying off them, and also about A Walk Among...