by LB | Jun 8, 2012 | Bernie Rhodenbarr, Evan Tanner, Keller, Newsletter, Short Stories
Ah yes, TGIF, those ever-so-useful initials. Back in my bride’s time as a print-and-runway fashion model, TGIF was a handy mnemonic that her fellow models were advised to write on the insoles of their shoes. I’ll be happy to tell you what it stood for, but...
by LB | Jun 2, 2012 | Commentary, For Writers
Yesterday my friend Jaye Manus, whose blog is indispensable for anyone with a passing interest in self-publishing, and merely incisive and fascinating for everyone else, took off from a remark of Stephen King’s that drew a line (albeit a thin one) between eBooks...
by LB | May 30, 2012 | Books, Evan Tanner, Store
Just last week we offered first-edition copies of several Evan Tanner paperbacks. Tanner’s Tiger sold out almost immediately. (In fact we sold one more copy than we had, embarrassingly enough.) If that’s the door, here’s the window: We have a good...
by LB | May 25, 2012 | LB's Afterthoughts, Non-Series Novels
In 1969, Fawcett Gold Medal published The Specialists as a paperback original. In 1996, James Cahill printed a first hardcover edition, and after a few years I bought the remainder stock from him and have been selling it—sometimes at $25, sometimes at $20. When I...
by LB | May 23, 2012 | Store
NEW POLICY—LB’S BOOKSTORE CAN NOW FILL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS! Maybe I got sick of disappointing people. Maybe I grew tired of apologizing. Or could be it’s just pure and simple greed. Always hard to rule that out… Whatever it is, we’re now...