Two things:

I have two things to tell you, and the first is one you may well have already heard. The news broke around noon, and word of mouth got a big helping hand from the social media. The second, not so much. (1) A Walk Among the Tombstones, the tenth book in the Matthew...

I’m telling everybody!

So this elderly gentleman is in the confessional, giving a richly detailed account of an affair he’s having with a twenty-two year old. Priest: Excuse me, but from your accent I get the impression that you are Jewish. Old dude: Yes, I am. So? Priest: Well, uh,...

Reading LB Around the Globe

The international readership my work has gained is one of the great satisfactions of my writing life. My books have been widely translated, while many overseas readers are able to enjoy them in English. But they’re not always easy to find. Here are some links to...

Reading LB all around the world

The international readership my work has gained is one of the great satisfactions of my writing life. My books have been widely translated, and of course many overseas readers are able to enjoy them in English. But they’re not always easy to find. Here are some...

“Are you sure Knopf started this way?”

A few weeks ago I was looking over the eBook of The Liar’s Bible. I came across a piece I wrote in the early 1980s, “Getting By on a Writer’s Income.” When I posted it on my blog, it got touted and tweeted and reposted to a fare-thee-well. If my site had...