by LB | Sep 20, 2011 | Jill Emerson
Lawrence Block: You’re all smiles today. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. This very morning, Nicholas Pell at Made Man called Getting Off “the dirtiest book in America.” Jill Emerson: Oh, right. Nicky. LB: Is something wrong? JE: I gave...
by LB | Sep 19, 2011 | LB's Afterthoughts
When Afterthoughts first launched as an original eBook, many of you let me know that you were far more interested in a printed book. And some of you bought the eBook only to write me that you wanted a printed copy as well for your library. I’m happy to report...
by LB | Sep 3, 2011 | Bernie Rhodenbarr, Books, In Collaboration with Donald Westlake, Keller, Short Stories
Good morning, class. Good morning, sir. Our subject today is “Whither the short story?” I’ll begin with a quick historical summary, and all I really need to do toward that end is drop the question mark from the end and the H from the first word. Because for the past...
by LB | Aug 23, 2011 | Jill Emerson
August 23, 2011 The Outdoor Co-ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society Gets Off on Getting Off: “Our first meeting last Friday in Sheep’s Meadow in Central Park was a success. Everyone started reading Getting Off, a new novel by Lawrence Block that hasn’t hit the...
by LB | Aug 13, 2011 | Anne Campbell Clarke, Books, LB's Afterthoughts
And here, without further ado, or further exclamation points, is the afterword for a book nobody ever heard of, by a pen name on one ever heard from before or since: PASSPORT TO PERIL by Lawrence Block writing as Anne Campbell Clark In 1966 I was living at 16...