Bill Crider on SINNER MAN

This is a taut noir, recommended for its place in Block’s history and as a dandy story on its own. You should check it out. Click here to read the review Click here for more information about–and to order–SINNER MAN  

Welcome back, Jill Emerson!

Over a ten-year period starting in the mid-1960s, I brought out seven books as Jill Emerson. In 2011, I wrote an eighth—Getting Off, published by Hard Case Crime. And just last month I added a ninth book to the list—Shadows, the first book I ever wrote, originally...

Oh, before I forget…

It’s been a while since I cluttered your mailbox with a newsletter. But it’s summer, as you’ve very likely noticed, and a summer replete with more distractions than usual, and so I hesitate to bother you at all. Still, there are a couple of quick...

A word or two for writers…

If you’re not a writer, you can feel free to skip this post. But if the curious pastime of stringing words together is an important part of your life you might want to read on. There’s a chance you might find it helpful. If not, you’re out the couple...