LB on Keller

LB spoke with The Oregonian about Keller… “Keller flew United to Portland.” This is how we’re introduced to one of author Lawrence Block’s most beloved characters. Keller is headed to Roseburg for an important job, but, once he gets...

For readers outside of North America…

Wake Up—It’s Evan Tanner! I don’t mean to shout. But I’d hate for you to miss the latest news about my very first series character, Evan Tanner. As you may recall, he’s the perpetual insomniac who first appeared in the mid-1960s in The Thief...

Strange at Ecbatan on NO SCORE

I enjoyed it a lot. The soft porn aspect is well enough done, but it’s not the real attraction – the attraction is the comic writing. It’s really a funny and clever short novel. I’ll definitely be finishing the series Click here to read the review...

Put the pedal to the metal—and RESUME SPEED!

I know, you just heard from me a few days ago, right? Last thing I want to do is clutter your mailbox. But I don’t want y’all to miss this. You may recall I’ve mentioned a novella I wrote immediately after finishing work on the updated edition of...

The Classic Crime Library—updated!

As some of you know, I’ve been making many of my early books eVailable, starting with a collection of 16 crime novels. These were all with Open Road through the end of last year, and they’re now reformatted and all gussied up with new uniform covers—and...

So what’s free today, LB?

Free? You expect to get something for free? Well, you’ve been giving us an ebook a day and… And you’ve grown used to it? You know, I probably should have expected as much. I made 7 of my Kindle ebooks available for free download in January, 5 of them...

Flash! (Like, seriously…)

Aren’t they pretty? That’s the LB logo on the cap, and nothing else to clutter it up—no web address, no catchy slogan, no sales pitch. And pretty’s the least of it. What a supremely useful gadget! Twist it and it’s a dandy ballpoint pen....