by Admin | Aug 4, 2015 | Interviews + Guest Blogs, News + Events
LB talked with Liam McEneaney on his podcast, and you can listen at the link below–it starts about 9 minutes in. (For those of you listening in the office: podcast contains some NSFW language) Click here to listen
by LB | Jul 14, 2015 | For Writers, Interviews + Guest Blogs, Q&A
I say yes to quit a few interviews, but some of them work out better than others. The quality of the questions is a big factor, and I suspect my own mood at the time makes a difference as well. The stars were in alignment when Peter Mann and Joel Meadows interviewed...
by LB | Jul 11, 2015 | Newsletter
How to Enjoy July… Not difficult at all, really. All I have to do is take a minute to recall how long it took summer to get here and it’s no great trick to rejoice in its presence. But this past week has given me more to be happy about than warm weather....
by Admin | Jul 8, 2015 | Reviews, The Crime of Our Lives
Sarah Weinman had some lovely things to say about THE CRIME OF OUR LIVES in The Crime Lady. That I’m recommending this book should not surprise, because here, as in so much of his work, is this innate engaging quality that all born storytellers have. But it is...
by Admin | Jul 3, 2015 | News, The Crime of Our Lives
In The Washington Post, Michael Dirda says of THE CRIME OF OUR LIVES: Since Block possesses an almost preternaturally engaging voice on the page, these pieces make for ideal hammock or beach-blanket reading. Click here to read the article
by LB | Jul 2, 2015 | The Crime of Our Lives
Terry Zobeck is a participant in a Yahoo members-only newsgroup centering on magazine fiction, and a devoted reader and collector with particular expertise on Dashiell Hammett. Recently, and with some reticence as I don’t see the group as a proper vehicle for...
by LB | Jun 22, 2015 | Midcentury Erotica, The Crime of Our Lives
~David Trevor here, reporting from LB’s eBay Bookstore. I just spent a couple of hours uploading new listings, and LB says tell everybody what you’ve got to tell them and then you can go home. Well okay. This afternoon I took a big box of galleys and...
by LB | Jun 20, 2015 | Midcentury Erotica
~David Trevor here. A week ago LB found three hardcover first edition copies of the Hard Case Crime/Subterranean Press double volume of Strange Embrace and 69 Barrow Street, two examples of what LB has come to call Midcentury Erotica. He decided he wanted to own one...
by LB | Jun 19, 2015 | Matthew Scudder
I published this blog post yesterday, June 18, and later discovered that most of the links went to the wrong places. This should have been easy to correct, but it wasn’t, and it took an hour and a half of diligence, ingenuity, and non-stop cursing to get the job...
by LB | Jun 18, 2015 | Matthew Scudder
Keeping close tabs on your book sales is a good sign that you’ve got too much time on your hands. Still, technology makes the process irresistibly simple. Click! The page is refreshed, and look at that—you just sold the third copy this month of an eVersion of a...