A whole lot of rhubarb…

That’s what my Frequent Companion and I encountered two weeks ago at the annual Rhubarb Festival in Aledo, Illinois. We also saw the Bear Tree in Bloomington and the Kokomantis in Kokomo, and posted an abundance of photos on Facebook, where you can probably...

A Burglar’s Complaint

A couple of months ago, a woman named Bianca emailed me from Germany. Could I write something around 700 words long for a New York guide book called 38 Hours? I could and I did, and they’ve just now sent me a copy of the book, with my effort printed, and with a...

Scribble, Scribble, Scribble…

Y’all know the story, right? The Duke of Gloucester, patron to Edward Gibbon, upon receiving the second volume of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: “Another damned thick book! Always scribble, scribble, scribble! Eh, Mr. Gibbon?” I’m...

Bookreporter on DARK CITY LIGHTS

Block is incapable of doing anything badly, and the 23 stories that comprise DARK CITY LIGHTS demonstrate that he brought to the selection process the same care that he brings to his own fiction. Click here to read the review

Reviewing the Evidence on DARK CITY LIGHTS

Reading these stories one after another induces a certain feeling of unease. This reader at least ended up concerned about where humanity might be headed if these folks are representative. The title says it all – this is a dark city indeed. Click here to read...

Buffalo News on DARK CITY LIGHTS

Something to consider seriously: Two of Buffalo’s best-known literary expatriates in New York City are also two of the more dedicated 21st century proponents of literary noir. They came from entirely different literary generations, too – Lawrence Block, the...

A Walk Among the Kale and the Quinoa…

This from the incomparable Joe Queenan, in the Weekly Standard, who knows that context is everything: “While traveling in the west of England recently, I had occasion to dine in an organic restaurant just outside Cirencester. The restaurant was clean and...