by Admin | Apr 22, 2015 | Bernie Rhodenbarr, News, The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
The shortlists have been announced for the eDunnit Award (for the best crime fiction ebook) and the Goldsboro Last Laugh Award (for the best humorous crime novel) at Crimefest in Bristol, England, and THE BURGLAR WHO COUNTED THE SPOONS is on both! The awards will be...
by Admin | Apr 10, 2015 | Matthew Scudder, Reviews
I love reading Matthew Scudder novels. It’s a ritual to me, like renewing with a badass, self-loathing friend every couple months or so. EIGHT MILLION WAYS TO DIE is a great addition to the series and is almost as satisfying as the masterful A STAB IN THE DARK....
by Admin | Apr 9, 2015 | Nonfiction, Reviews, The Crime of Our Lives
As a writer and a reader, this collection has been amusing, illuminating, and soothing. As much as things have changed in the writing biz, some things remain the same, and those whose work we love–they busted their ass the same as the rest of us. And some of them are...
by Admin | Apr 8, 2015 | Bernie Rhodenbarr, News, The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
THE BURGLAR WHO COUNTED THE SPOONS has been nominated for two awards at Crimefest in Bristol, England! Everyone’s favo(u)rite burglar is on the longlist (and in exceptional company) for both the eDunnit Award (for the best crime fiction ebook) and the Goldsboro...
by LB | Apr 7, 2015 | Keller
I’ve just published A KELLER SAMPLER, designed to introduce the five-book Keller series to those who many have missed it, or whose experience of Keller is limited to a single book or a couple of short stories. While it’s a hefty volume, running to 85,000...
by Admin | Apr 5, 2015 | Nonfiction, Reviews, The Crime of Our Lives
THE CRIME OF OUR LIVES is…one of the best books I’ve read so far this year. You won’t find a better collection about mystery fiction and the people who write it. Click here to read the review
by Admin | Apr 5, 2015 | Nonfiction, Reviews, The Crime of Our Lives
Lawrence Block’s non-fiction is just as enjoyable and accessible as his fiction. Click here to read the review
by Admin | Apr 3, 2015 | Nonfiction, Reviews, The Crime of Our Lives
If you are a fan of mysteries, crime stories, noir, or all three, this is an interesting, engaging overview of some of the author’s favorite writers, who happen to be among the best in their fields. I highly recommend this book to you. In fact, I recommend this book...
by Admin | Apr 2, 2015 | Nonfiction, Reviews, The Crime of Our Lives
It has been ordained by the Mystery Gods that I begin each comment on Lawrence Block by noting that he writes the best sentences in the business. He does and I don’t say that frivolously. There is an unpretentious elegance in just about everything he writes....
by Admin | Apr 1, 2015 | The Crime of Our Lives
Yes! The trade paperback edition of TCOOL is now available in the CreateSpace Online Store. In a matter of days you’ll be able to buy it on Amazon, and shortly thereafter it’ll be in stock at other online booksellers. But why wait? I should point out that...