Evan Tanner in the World

Evan Tanner, the first series character created by LB, is now eVailable to readers around the world! Ever since a shred of shrapnel did a number on his brain’s sleep center, Evan Tanner has been awake 24/7. This gives him more time than your average underachiever....

‘Tis the season…

Here’s a newsletter that went out Monday to subscribers: ‘Tis the season… …to sit around doing next to nothing, at least in our house. I should have spent the past several weeks peppering you with newsletters, reminding you of all the perfect...

Oh, no. Not another book???

I know, I know. Believe me, I’ve been trying to quit. But you know what Solomon said, in what strikes me as the most heartfelt passage in Scripture: “Of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.” Or, as the Duke...

Gigolo Johnny Wells rides again…

Here’s an email that came in this afternoon: Dear Mr. Block, After a few pages of a pretty bad paperback novel I was reading on my train, I gave up and bought Gigolo Johnny Wells on my Kindle on a whim. I have read a lot of your books, maybe most of them and I...

“Hot Times at LB’s Bookstore!”

David Trevor here, wondering if any of this makes any sense, starting with the headline. Hot times? There’s a lot going on at the bookstore—new listings, reduced prices, and a 18-item auction—but there ought to be a better way to begin. I think the...

He never writes, he never calls…

Here’s a newsletter that went out to subscribers this afternoon: I know, I know. It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me. I try to strike a certain balance, neither overloading your mailbox (“Damn, another of these? I haven’t read...