by LB | Jun 2, 2014 | The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
My decision to self-publish The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons has had gratifying results, but there’s been a downside: self-pubbed titles don’t get much media attention or store distribution. Well, Orion’s UK edition just...
by LB | Jun 1, 2014 | Matthew Scudder, Newsletter
Movie time! Well, not quite. Scott Frank’s adaptation of A Walk Among the Tombstones, starring Liam Neeson as Matthew Scudder, won’t hit theaters until September 19. But Universal has just released AWATT’s poster and trailer, and if the poster makes...
by LB | May 28, 2014 | Store
I’m delighted to report that LB just got back from two weeks in Belgium (Antwerp, Bruges, Ghent, and yes, he and Herself had a wonderful time) so now we can re-open LB’s eBay Bookstore. We’ve got 92 titles listed, all but one of them by LB and signed...
by Admin | May 27, 2014 | Books, Borderline, News + Events, Non-Series Novels, Reviews
…if you like your pulp fiction a bit on the raw side, you may want to make a trip to the Borderline. I’m glad I did. Click here to read the review
by Admin | May 20, 2014 | Books, Borderline, News + Events, Non-Series Novels, Reviews
This book has aged exceedingly well. The innuendo for a more conservative time now reads like a sly, welcome relief from the bluntness of a less-censored industry. Block’s stylish, stripped-down prose does not detract from the power of his erotic moments but instead...
by Admin | May 19, 2014 | Interviews + Guest Blogs, News + Events
In which LB talks about rereading books… Click here to read the article in Mystery Scene
by Admin | May 19, 2014 | Books, Borderline, News + Events, Non-Series Novels, Reviews
Holliday [BORDERLINE was originally published under the pseudonym Don Holliday] didn’t hold back. Even people who like their noir fiction raw might be challenged to handle some of the content in Borderline. When the narrator follows the thoughts and actions of Weaver,...
by LB | May 1, 2014 | Bernie Rhodenbarr, Newsletter, The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
50% off on Bernie Rhodenbarr! Well, it’s May, a month that generally deserves every one of its thirty-one days. Don’t tell me about the floods and wildfires, the tornadoes and sinkholes, the hell and high water, the global unrest. We just got through the...
by Admin | Apr 25, 2014 | Books, Borderline, Non-Series Novels, Reviews
A long time ago I said that Lawrence Block writes the best sentences in the business. I don’t see any reason to change my mind. Click here to read the full review
by Admin | Apr 25, 2014 | Books, Borderline, Non-Series Novels, Reviews
Hard Case Crime has done it again. Borderline, an obscure title from Lawrence Block’s enormous and ever-growing body of work, is more than just a rare curio—it’s a shocking novel from a then twenty-three year old writer. Shocking not only for its risqué...