by Admin | Dec 18, 2013 | Bernie Rhodenbarr, Q&A, The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
This is the second in a series of Q&As with The Author himself… Next question: Telephone technology has progressed dramatically, but has lock technology changed much since you started writing Bernie stories? I think so. Bernie observes in THE BURGLAR WHO COUNTED...
by Admin | Dec 16, 2013 | Bernie Rhodenbarr, Books, Reviews, The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
Admin note: This is quite possibly my favorite review of THE BURGLAR WHO COUNTED THE SPOONS so far. Over the past few weeks I’ve read a dozen rave reviews of Lawrence Block’s new Bernie Rhodenbarr mystery, THE BURGLAR WHO COUNTED THE SPOONS. Well that’s...
by Admin | Dec 11, 2013 | Bernie Rhodenbarr, Books, Reviews, The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
I found it fun to read. It’s like spending time with an old friend who’s been gone for a while. You know something is going to trip Bernie up somewhere and you just have to wait for it to happen. All I have to say is that Bernie was almost too smart for...
by LB | Dec 8, 2013 | Likes to Read
Last night my Frequent Companion and I attended the annual Black Orchid Banquet of the Wolfe Pack, an international organization of Rex Stout devotees. I had the honor of presenting the annual toast to the man himself. As I mentioned on Facebook, my remarks constitute...
by Admin | Dec 5, 2013 | Bernie Rhodenbarr, Books, Reviews, The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
Brandon over at Every Read Thing had this to say about THE BURGLAR WHO COUNTED THE SPOONS: When it comes down to it, this is light storytelling at its finest. While the history of the silver spoon was tightly researched and the reasoning behind its procurement had...
by Admin | Dec 4, 2013 | Bernie Rhodenbarr, Books, Reviews, The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
Those who have already done “best of the year” lists have jumped the gun, since THE BURGLAR WHO COUNTED THE SPOONS belongs on such lists. I had a great time reading it and think most of you probably would, too, so it gets a very high recommendation from...
by Admin | Dec 3, 2013 | Bernie Rhodenbarr, Books, Reviews, The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel’s “Guide to 100 best books for readers young and old” includes THE BURGLAR WHO COUNTED THE SPOONS as an Editor’s Pick! The mystery grandmaster brings back gentleman burglar Bernie Rhodenbarr for a caper that...
by LB | Dec 1, 2013 | For Writers
Every writer finds the question “Where do you get your ideas?”annoying, even insulting in its presupposition that the idea’s all there is to it. Shakespeare got most of HIS ideas from other writers; do you think it was the idea of it that enabled him...
by Admin | Nov 30, 2013 | Bernie Rhodenbarr, Books, Reviews, The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
Lawrence Block, an incredible talent and a legend in the business, is releasing his latest novel on Christmas day, and I was lucky enough to get an advance copy. Let me just say this. The man can write. It’s an enormously articulate, viciously funny, poignant,...
by Admin | Nov 29, 2013 | Bernie Rhodenbarr, Books, Reviews, The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
The book has all the hallmarks of classic Bernie: fluent, hilarious dialogue; the admiration of artistic, cultural and literary worth; the ever-presence of New York City; Carolyn’s intermittently successful love-life; the culinary adventures of their daily lunch date;...