Brandon reviews A Diet of Treacle

It’s nice when a book gets a nice review fifty-some years after I wrote it. (At the time, when it’s publisher was Beacon Books, a true bottom-feeder, and the title was Pads Are For Passion, no one took any notice of it. Now, with Hard Case behind it and...

A story to warm your hearts…

I get the nicest emails from readers. Here’s what Nathaniel wrote: It was the fall of 1999, and I was caring for my dying 100-year-old grandfather. I didn’t get out much because of that, but when I did I was sometimes dating a woman who also...

New in LB’s eBay Bookstore—in plenty of time for Christmas!

David Trevor here. After no end of dawdling, I’ve added five new listings to the bookstore: Hit Me, the 5th Keller novel, hardcover First Edition, signed by LB Hit Me, the 5th Keller novel, the trade paperback edition, signed by LB A Drop of the Hard Stuff,...

Win a Fabulous Prize!

This just in! LB has a hardcover copy of THE BURGLAR WHO PAINTED LIKE MONDRIAN with your name on it. Ok, not your name. His name. And he signed it himself. But he wants to give it to you. Well, maybe you. All you need to do to be entered to win the above-mentioned...


Cagy old trend-spotter that I am, I’ve spotted a trend over the past month or two. Affirmations for Writers, a tape I made way back when cassettes were the Next Big Thing, and now available exclusively in LB’s eBay Bookstore as an MP3 download, has been...


Even a perfectly wonderful life—like mine, for example—has moments one would just as soon not re-live. This afternoon I was in my hotel room in Los Angeles waiting for a call from Lisa Annenberg, who does the pre-show interviews for Craig Ferguson. (This is my ninth...