by LB | Sep 8, 2013 | Newsletter
Here’s a newsletter that just went out to subscribers: Well, here it is, September, and I’m back after a long silence, and I suppose the first order of business is to bring you up to date on where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing. I spent...
by Admin | Aug 9, 2013 | Interviews + Guest Blogs, Keller, Matthew Scudder
Mulholland Books has a true destination website where LB has blogged frequently. Click here to read the posts.
by LB | Jul 14, 2013 | John Warren Wells, LB's Afterthoughts
I can explain. And I think I’d better. Let me begin by telling you, Gentle Reader, that the book you just read, the script and production diary of the 1970s film Different Strokes, is nothing but a pack of lies. No such film was ever produced, and all the engaging...
by Admin | Jul 10, 2013 | LB's Afterthoughts
Here’s the afterword I wrote for the Grifter’s Game eBook. It appears in full in Afterthoughts, but you’re welcome to read it here: This turned out to be the first book published under my own name, although I assumed it would be pseudonymous soft...
by LB | Jul 10, 2013 | Books, Non-Series Novels, Short Stories
Open Road has just made Grifter’s Game part of a special promotion, dropping the price all the way down to $2.99 for a limited time. (How limited? I don’t know, but you can see for yourself at Kindle or Nook. If the ePrice is still $2.99, you’re in...
by LB | Jul 4, 2013 | Audiobooks, Commentary
On June 25 I blogged about audiobooks, and five days later, coincidentally enough, The New York Times had an unrelated feature on the subject. My thanks to Norman Haase, who called my attention to this letter in the Times: To the Editor: Re “Actors Today Don’t Just...
by LB | Jul 2, 2013 | Chip Harrison, John Warren Wells, Newsletter, Short Stories
Here’s a newsletter that went out to subscribers a few hours ago. Some of the material will be familiar to followers of this blog—but not all of it. There are, for example, three books free to Kindlers for the next several days, and the lowdown on Smashwords: I...
by LB | Jun 30, 2013 | Short Stories
Two of my favorite publishers have teamed up to offer Catch and Release. I could say more about it, but I’d much rather yield the floor to Tony Daniel, who has this to say in the July 1 issue of Publishers Weekly: “Crime writer Lawrence Block, who turns 75...
by LB | Jun 25, 2013 | Audiobooks, Books, Commentary
“For those used to listening to crime stories on audio, [Michael] Kelly’s take on [Stephen King’s] Joyland might be jarring. The narrators of Lawrence Block’s Matt Scudder series, for example – Alan Sklar, William Roberts, Mark Hammer – explore every word...
by LB | Jun 21, 2013 | Books, John Warren Wells
Launching the 18 John Warren Wells books as Kindle Select titles has allowed me to give some away periodically, so that y’all can see if they’re your cup of tea (or 5-hour energy drink). But that meant leaving out all the Nooksters and ApplePickers and...