by LB | Feb 1, 2013 | John Warren Wells, Keller, Matthew Scudder
I’ll be brief. In fact I’d skip this altogether, but there are three items I feel the need to call to your attention. To wit— THIS: This is the first of the month, and each new month is a new opportunity for those of you who are Amazon Prime members to...
by LB | Jan 30, 2013 | John Warren Wells, Keller, Matthew Scudder
Another Orange Wednesday! And it would be simple enough to print this entire newsletter with an orange background (now that I’ve figured out how), but that would make it harder to read. And why on earth would I want to do that? So let’s get to it, shall...
by LB | Jan 27, 2013 | Keller
Here’s a newsletter that went out to subscribers yesterday. I post some but not all newsletters here on my blog; if you’d like to receive the newsletter, a blank email to, with “LB Newsletter” in the subject line, will get you...
by Admin | Jan 24, 2013 | Books, Keller, Newsletter
Ah, hello there, and Happy New Year. I suspect most of you know that there’s a new Keller novel coming out next month, the fifth to feature the philatelic assassin. Some of you no doubt read the extract that ran in American Stamp Dealer & Collector. And many...
by LB | Jan 24, 2013 | Keller
“After he’d mounted Obock J1, he called Julia in and showed it to her, and she admired it extravagantly. “It’s like when somebody shows you their new baby,” Keller said. “You have to say it’s beautiful, because what else are you going to say?” “All babies are...
by LB | Jan 11, 2013 | For Writers
. . .on her blog, Writing Slices: THE LIAR’S COMPANION is a collection of columns Lawrence Block wrote for Writer’s Digest magazine from 1987 to 1990. This was before Block was a Grand Master of the mystery genre, so they’re written from the point of view of someone...
by LB | Jan 2, 2013 | John Warren Wells, Keller, Newsletter
Here’s a newsletter that just went out to subscribers: The first day of Wednesday …and, wouldn’t you know it, it’s an Orange Wednesday. And it’s my pleasure to mark this glorious occasion by giving away not one but two eBooks to the...
by Admin | Dec 21, 2012 | Books, Keller, Newsletter
PHILATELIC EDITION NEWS— I’m delighted to report that the Limited Philatelic First Edition of HIT ME has arrived from the small-press printer. Even as I write these lines, the elves at the Mysterious Bookshop are packing books for shipment. For those of you...
by LB | Dec 19, 2012 | John Warren Wells, Matthew Scudder
You know, it seems like only a week ago that I celebrated Orange Wednesday by giving away Kindle downloads of a Matthew Scudder story, “Looking for David,” and… Oh, right. It was only a week ago. Well, I have to say it was a great success. Over 1200...
by Admin | Dec 13, 2012 | Interviews + Guest Blogs, Keller
Mr. Block is one of our greatest living storytellers, and I’m glad that he continues to write long into his self-professed retirement. Click here to read the interview