Why an eBook is a book, and why it isn’t

Yesterday my friend Jaye Manus, whose blog is indispensable for anyone with a passing interest in self-publishing, and merely incisive and fascinating for everyone else, took off from a remark of Stephen King’s that drew a line (albeit a thin one) between eBooks...

A door closes, a window opens…

Just last week we offered first-edition copies of several Evan Tanner paperbacks. Tanner’s Tiger sold out almost immediately. (In fact we sold one more copy than we had, embarrassingly enough.) If that’s the door, here’s the window: We have a good...

The Specialists

In 1969, Fawcett Gold Medal published The Specialists as a paperback original. In 1996, James Cahill printed a first hardcover edition, and after a few years I bought the remainder stock from him and have been selling it—sometimes at $25, sometimes at $20. When I...

You talked us into it…

NEW POLICY—LB’S BOOKSTORE CAN NOW FILL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS! Maybe I got sick of disappointing people. Maybe I grew tired of apologizing. Or could be it’s just pure and simple greed. Always hard to rule that out… Whatever it is, we’re now...

Margaret Yang Reviews Writing the Novel

“It’s hard for me to be objective about Lawrence Block. His photo was taped to the wall above my computer for several years. I considered him my mentor, but not like the guru who dispenses wisdom from on high. To me, he was more like a big brother who’s been...

Two things:

I have two things to tell you, and the first is one you may well have already heard. The news broke around noon, and word of mouth got a big helping hand from the social media. The second, not so much. (1) A Walk Among the Tombstones, the tenth book in the Matthew...

Good Seats Going Fast!

I’ve been a boxing fan ever since my dad took me to Buffalo’s Memorial Auditorium to watch Willie Pep take apart an inoffensive chap named Walter Kolby. It was April of 1946, and I was coming up on my eighth birthday. Willie was 23, and at the time...