Yet another new book for 2011…

I’d planned on waiting a few weeks to publish my collected columns from Linn’s Stamp News. Incredibly, I’ve already brought out six new books in 2011, and you’d think that would be enough. But I gathered twenty-five columns together, into a...

False Memories of Vaclav Havel

Vaclav Havel, the writer and dissident whose eloquent dissections of Communist rule helped to destroy it in revolutions that brought down the Berlin Wall and swept Havel himself into power, died on Sunday. He was 75. When I read this in the New York Times this...

Isn’t that special?

Just got word that Open Road, my eBook backlist publishers, have launched a special promotion, dropping the prices of two books to $2.99 apiece. It’s a one-week-only deal, so I don’t want to waste any time letting y’all know about it. One of the...

LB on Late Late Show

Tomorrow night (Tuesday, November 8th) I’ll be Craig Ferguson’s guest on The Late Late Show on CBS. I’ll be there in aid of Getting Off and The Night & The Music, but what we’ll wind up talking about is an open question. I always have a...

Apple at last!

If you sit under the tree long enough…well, never mind. A month after The Night and the Music went on sale everywhere else, it finally cleared the hurdles in Apple’s iTunes store. Now you can read it comfortably on your iPad, iPhone, or pop-up iToaster....


This past Friday we received the first copies of the trade paperback edition of THE NIGHT AND THE MUSIC. I spent the weekend signing my name and packing pre-ordered books for shipment to America’s leading mystery booksellers—and to all of you who pre-ordered the...

Professor Mondo raves over Getting Off

So, is Getting Off for everyone? Nope. But from the pulpy cover to the aforementioned subtitle, nobody is pretending otherwise. I can say, however, that if you like your sex and violence with a dose of nitrous oxide, this may very well be the best book you read this...