For the most part, Kit Tolliver’s homicidal lifestyle suits her just fine. But her recent North Carolina reunion with a wounded veteran (“One Kind Favor I Ask of You”) has left her with her own version of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. She’s found a room in a cheap hotel in the Rust Belt, she’s working a minimum-wage job, and she’s letting time take time.
But a girl gets restless, you know? And one night she goes out for a walk, and a car pulls up, and a guy rolls down the window and offers her a ride.
“Don’t get in the car,” a little voice says.
But she gets in the car…and role reversal kicks in big time. Kit, always the predator, is now the prey.
All of Kit’s homicidal (and increasingly erotic) adventures are collected in book form in Getting Off. Or read the next installment, “Fun With Brady and Angelica” (Kit Tolliver #10).