Zeroing In

Kit Tolliver #11
In “Clean Slate” (Kit Tolliver #4) Kit found her mission in life. There were five men who once slept with her and lived to tell the tale, and she’s determined to hunt them down and wipe them off the board of life.
In “Clean Slate” (Kit Tolliver #4) Kit found her mission in life. There were five men who once slept with her and lived to tell the tale, and she’s determined to hunt them down and wipe them off the board of life.
In “Clean Slate” (Kit Tolliver #4) Kit found her mission in life. There were five men who once slept with her and lived to tell the tale, and she’s determined to hunt them down and wipe them off the board of life.
So far, so good. But what do you do when all you know about a guy is the name he gave you? She’d met him in Philadelphia, but he was in town on business, so all she really knew was that he was from someplace else. Good old Sid from Philadelphia, except he wasn’t from Philadelphia, and his name wasn’t Sid.
Want to give that a whirl out on Google?
Then Rita told her about this Mormon missionary who came to her door…and to her bed. And what he did, and what he wouldn’t do.
And Kit got the damnedest idea…
All of Kit’s homicidal (and increasingly erotic) adventures are collected in book form in Getting Off. Or read the next installment, “Unfinished Business” (Kit Tolliver #12).