Great Moments in Contemporary Publishing

This is just too good to keep to myself. An independent bookseller I know landed a major bestselling author for a rare in-store signing. He got the word out, took advance phone and internet orders for signed copies, and called his sales rep at the publisher to make...

An introduction…

I’m not sure what brought this to mind… It must have been around twenty years ago. I was in DC on a book tour, and my media escort told me about the time she’d been making the rounds with Bob Keeshan. In one TV studio she ran into a colleague, who...

Twelve Stories from the Dark Side

Some months ago I blogged about the eWorld’s potential to enliven the long-moribund market for short fiction. I’m not sure that’s happening, but neither am I sure that it’s not. What I do know is that I’ve ePublished a few dozen short...

Why an eBook is a book, and why it isn’t

Yesterday my friend Jaye Manus, whose blog is indispensable for anyone with a passing interest in self-publishing, and merely incisive and fascinating for everyone else, took off from a remark of Stephen King’s that drew a line (albeit a thin one) between eBooks...

“Are you sure Knopf started this way?”

A few weeks ago I was looking over the eBook of The Liar’s Bible. I came across a piece I wrote in the early 1980s, “Getting By on a Writer’s Income.” When I posted it on my blog, it got touted and tweeted and reposted to a fare-thee-well. If my site had...