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~David Trevor here. A week ago LB found three hardcover first edition copies of the Hard Case Crime/Subterranean Press double volume of Strange Embrace and 69 Barrow Street, two examples of what LB has come to call Midcentury Erotica. He decided he wanted to own one...

Eine nicht-so-kleine Nachtmusik, Act Two—

I published this blog post yesterday, June 18, and later discovered that most of the links went to the wrong places. This should have been easy to correct, but it wasn’t, and it took an hour and a half of diligence, ingenuity, and non-stop cursing to get the job...

Eine nicht-so-kleine Nachtmusik…

Keeping close tabs on your book sales is a good sign that you’ve got too much time on your hands. Still, technology makes the process irresistibly simple. Click! The page is refreshed, and look at that—you just sold the third copy this month of an eVersion of a...

A Burglar’s Complaint

A couple of months ago, a woman named Bianca emailed me from Germany. Could I write something around 700 words long for a New York guide book called 38 Hours? I could and I did, and they’ve just now sent me a copy of the book, with my effort printed, and with a...