Michael Sova on TANNER’S VIRGIN

I’m a sucker for a good hero. I don’t mean the carbon copy type that can do no wrong. I like heroes with flaws, and those who’ve grown and learned from their mistakes. I especially like heroes, protagonists if you will, who do not fit the typical literary mold. Block...

EJ Knight on Matthew Scudder and his town

This blog post, by UK writer EJ Knight of the Allonym Books Collective, is such a thoughtful and perceptive take on Matthew Scudder’s New York that I wanted to share it with y’all. It seems especially apt today, with the opening of A Walk Among the...


As you might possibly have heard, unless you’ve been trekking in Bhutan or meditating in an isolation chamber, A Walk Among the Tombstones opens Friday, September 19, all over the US and the UK and most of the rest of the world. (October 15, I believe, in...


Ehrengraf is the star of each [story], a dandy who oozes self-regard, a charming sociopath who will murder to free his client and collect his fee. He never really cops to his methods, except to icily hint at them should a client balk at paying. Click here to read the...