by Admin | May 19, 2018 | Matthew Scudder, News + Events, Newsletter
Guten Tag! Ich hoffe, dass es Ihnen gut geht und Sie die Frühlingsonne genießen. Hier in New York hat der Winter damit gedroht, niemals ein Ende zu nehmen, aber mittlerweile können wir endlich unsere Anoraks und Mäntel wegpacken und den Frühling begrüßen. Die große...
by Admin | Apr 30, 2018 | Books, Matthew Scudder, Newsletter, Resume Speed, Short Stories
…even as all of y’all may be wondering why the falling leaves template is here to announce the long-awaited vernal season. I was going to try passing it off as a nod to my readers in Australia and New Zealand, whom I do in fact cherish, but the actual...
by LB | Mar 19, 2018 | Books, Matthew Scudder, Midcentury Erotica, News + Events, Newsletter
…but for the fact that an overgrown rodent in Punxutawney saw his shadow and blessed us all with six more weeks of winter. Which still makes it hard to explain the falling-autumn-leaves motif of this newsletter, but it’s my favorite template and I keep...
by LB | Feb 25, 2018 | Alive in Shape and Color, Anthologies, Bernie Rhodenbarr, Books, In Sunlight or in Shadow, Keller, News + Events, Newsletter, The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons
. . .and for those of you who subscribed within the past ninety days, I trust I’ve laid to rest any worries you may have had that I’d fill your mailbox to overflowing. Quite the reverse, and I apologize for the long silence. I can but hope you had a better...
by Admin | Jul 30, 2017 | Books, For Writers, News + Events, Newsletter, Nonfiction
Back in mid-May, my list of Things To Do sported the word Newsletter at or near the top. And I’d have been on it like brown on rice but for another Thing To Do: Fall down. Break hip. And that’s about as much as I care to share about How I Spent My Summer...
by Admin | Mar 27, 2017 | Interviews + Guest Blogs, Matthew Scudder, News + Events
LB answered some interesting questions from the German crime fiction blog Die dunklen Felle, and Christina was good enough to translate them. Click here to read the Q&A in German and English