New in LB’s Bookstore

Last I looked, we had 182 different items on the virtual shelves of LB’s eBay Bookstore. When I finish this post, I’ll be adding ten anthologies; I spent some time this morning scanning their covers. As we open more boxes and probe the darker corners of...

Twelve Stories from the Dark Side

Some months ago I blogged about the eWorld’s potential to enliven the long-moribund market for short fiction. I’m not sure that’s happening, but neither am I sure that it’s not. What I do know is that I’ve ePublished a few dozen short...

New—Large Print Books at LB’s Bookstore

“Presbyopia. He was squinting at fine print, holding the paper at arm’s length, avoiding paperbacks because the print was too small. A week after he got his first pair of reading glasses he started looking for office space. Within a month he’d signed...

A door closes, a window opens…

Just last week we offered first-edition copies of several Evan Tanner paperbacks. Tanner’s Tiger sold out almost immediately. (In fact we sold one more copy than we had, embarrassingly enough.) If that’s the door, here’s the window: We have a good...

You talked us into it…

NEW POLICY—LB’S BOOKSTORE CAN NOW FILL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS! Maybe I got sick of disappointing people. Maybe I grew tired of apologizing. Or could be it’s just pure and simple greed. Always hard to rule that out… Whatever it is, we’re now...