Margaret Yang reviews The Liar’s Companion—

. . .on her blog, Writing Slices: THE LIAR’S COMPANION is a collection of columns Lawrence Block wrote for Writer’s Digest magazine from 1987 to 1990. This was before Block was a Grand Master of the mystery genre, so they’re written from the point of view of someone...

A Veteran Writer Embraces Self-Publishing

A very interesting announcement by the great Kate Wilhelm. Here’s the opening, with a link to the rest on her website: “Open letter to word watchers: “I’ve been a writer since 1956 when I sold my first short story. My first novel came in 1962....

eBooks for Writers

Yet another interesting aspect of eBooks is that it’s so easy to adjust their prices that publishers do so all the time. This can benefit all of us—authors and publishers, because price flexibility helps target readers and maximize sales, and readers, who can...

Break Writer’s Block Now!

Those four words, along with the perhaps inevitable exclamation point, constitute the title of a remarkably useful little book. It’s got a subtitle as well, or maybe two: “How to Demolish It Forever and Establish a Productive Working Schedule in One...

I’ll be brief…

When I hear those words, I generally figure the speaker’s good for another hour and a half, minimum. But I really will be brief. Just a few points to cover: 1. The Hard Case Crime / Subterranean Press double volume of Strange Embrace and 69 Barrow Street, two...

Why an eBook is a book, and why it isn’t

Yesterday my friend Jaye Manus, whose blog is indispensable for anyone with a passing interest in self-publishing, and merely incisive and fascinating for everyone else, took off from a remark of Stephen King’s that drew a line (albeit a thin one) between eBooks...