It can’t be much of a secret that he and I were best friends for many years. I’ve written extensively about Don, and supplied introductions for three of his Richard Stark novels,, Comeback and Backflash. Of course I recommend those—and Dancing Aztecs, and, and The Road to Ruin, and the Tucker Coe books, and everything else the man ever wrote. (And he wrote a lot…)
Too bad Bernie never got to meet Dortmunder… or did he?
No, it never happened. I generally hate that sort of hookup, but this appealed to me. Don and I talked about it but it never got anywhere.
Yeah, I can see that that kind of hookup can be a bit contrived; I do recall a book where McBain’s Steve Carella joined forces with (also his) Mathew Hope– it worked nicely. Of course Bernie and Scudder could never meet up– not in this galaxy.