On Monday I sent out a newsletter announcing that the first Kit Tolliver story, “If You Can’t Stand the Heat,” was free on all Amazon platforms worldwide. A comforting number of you hastened to download it, and today—that would be Friday, January 22—is your last chance. Click the link, click the Buy button, and you’ve got a date with the ultimate femme fatale.
And then what?
Well, “If You Can’t Stand the Heat” is the first of a dozen stories, which together comprise the Hard Case Crime novel Getting Off. After you’ve read your free download of IYCSTH, there are several ways for you to go on keeping company with Kit.

2. If you’re not a KU subscriber, you can BUY the stories one at a time for $2.99 apiece—but that’s not the way to go. You’re way better off picking up the complete book ($4.36 for Kindle, $21.30 hardcover, $13.39 paperback, $20.26 audiobook).
3. If you’d prefer an autographed paperback of Getting Off, my Invaluable Assistant has copies in LB’s eBay Bookstore. While they last, they’re $9.99 with free shipping. (And at that price they may not last long.)
4. But first—and here’s the reason for the hurry-up headline—we’re making “Rude Awakening” free to all, worldwide, for one day only. And that’s today. Not a Kindle Unlimited subscriber? Not an Amazon Prime Member? Makes no never mind. Click the link, click the Buy button, and it’s yours.
I’ve got a Nook. I guess I’m out of luck, right?
If your eReader of choice is Apple or Kobo or Nook, I’m afraid this offer won’t work for you. You might want to download a free Kindle app that will enable you to read Kindle ebooks on your phone or iPad or computer. Or, of course, you can snap up the Hard Case ebook of Getting Off on your preferred platform.
Which reminds me. We’re up to 16 titles in the Classic Crime Library and the response has been heartening. After the First Death is selling particularly well, which suggests that this Scudder forerunner ought to have been in print all along, but all of the books are getting a good reception. One of them, Passport to Peril, a romantic espionage thriller set in Ireland, is a Kindle exclusive, which means KU subscribers can read it for free.
If Kindle doesn’t work for you, this seems a good time to let you know that we may be moving more of the CCL titles to Kindle Select. It gives us flexibility to arrange giveaways and otherwise sweeten the pot for you. But it keeps books out of the hands and eReaders of you Nooksters and KoBohemians and Apple Polishers, and for that I apologize. I can assure you that we won’t be moving any Classic Crime Library titles to Kindle Select until February 1 at the earliest, so you might want to stock up now on the ones that most appeal to you. The links above may prove helpful in seeing what’s available.
And yes, we’ll be bringing out Classic Crime Library titles as paperback books, with that uniform cover design you’ve said such nice things about. I’ll keep you posted.
There’s more, but it’ll have to wait for the next newsletter. (And yes, I know, they’re like buses. You wait and wait and wait, and then three of them come along, one right after the other.) That’s it for now, so grab your free copy of “If You Can’t Stand the Heat” if you haven’t already done so, and snag the equally free “Rude Awakening” while you’re at it, and let it snow all it wants. Kit’ll keep you warm.
PS: As always, please feel free to forward this to anyone you think might find it of interest. And, if you’ve received the newsletter in that fashion from a friend and would like your own subscription, that’s easily arranged; a blank email to lawbloc@gmail.com with Newsletter in the subject line will get the job done.
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Twitter: @LawrenceBlock
As a KoBohemian (cute name) I’ll be sad to see these titles become unavailable to me, particularly since I am at the stage in life where physical books are no longer being acquired. But I trust that you will do what’s best for you, and I’m grateful for all of the Block-busters I do have access to.
Kit doesn’t keep people warm, Mr Block. She gets us all hot and bothered!!!! ????