Here’s the text of a special newsletter that just went out to subscribers in the UK and Ireland:
You may already know this, but haven’t I made a life’s work of telling people what they already know? So let me say that Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program, introduced two months ago here in the Colonies, has been extended to For a subscription fee of £7.99 a month, you can choose from more than half a million titles and read as many of them as you want absolutely free. You’re “borrowing” the ebooks—but you can keep them as long as you want, can have up to ten borrowed at a time, and can add new titles quite effortlessly by “returning” ones you’ve read—with a mouse click.

Now I don’t work for Amazon (except in the broadest sense, in which we ALL work for Amazon) so I won’t labor to sell you on this, or explain its fine points and inner workings. As a writer, I’m all for it—it makes it truly inexpensive for high-volume readers to read all they want for a very low price. (And yes, I collect a royalty when you read a book of mine this way. It’s less than if you buy the book, but it’s enough to make me perfectly happy.)

So what I want to do here is let you know what books of mine are available to you via KU.

(1) Everything I’ve chosen to self-publish exclusively on Kindle. This includes most of the individual Matthew Scudder short stories, starting with Out the Window, several Keller short stories, most of the Ehrengraf short stories, all but one or two of my John Warren Wells sex-fact books, and most of my non-series short stories as well. KU makes it really easy and cost-free to gobble up short stories instead of buying them one at a time for close to £2 apiece. (And one entire book, Getting Off, is eVailable via KU as 12 Kit Tolliver stories.)

(2) All of my Open Road backlist titles—some 40+ of them—are enrolled in Kindle Unlimited. These include seven Jill Emerson novels, four or five books for writers, a batch of Hard Case Crime titles, and more.

Here’s one last piece of news that should make the offer irresistible. For the first thirty days, the whole shebang is FREE! You can read all you want, and for that first month it won’t even cost you £7.99. It won’t cost you tuppence. If they hadn’t demonetized the farthing, it wouldn’t cost you one of those, either.

Okay, that’s all. May you read to your heart’s content, and may much of what you read be something I wrote.



PS—This is going out to the relative handful of subscribers on my UK and Ireland lists. Many newsletter subscribers would qualify geographically, but are only on my master list—so please forward this to anyone you can think of who might find it of interest.
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