In this article, originally published in Mystery Scene in 2010, LB talks about Charles Willeford.
In the summer of 1985, Lynne and I moved from New York to Fort Myers Beach, Florida. Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. After we’d been there a few months, I got a phone call from Dennis McMillan, the small press publisher. He was in a car, he said, with Charles and Betsy Willeford, and he wasn’t far from Fort Myers, and he thought they might stop by.
Suggestion to LB. If you haven’t already, read Something About a Soldier. In the same vein as I was looking for a Street, but even better I think.
Seems strange there aren’t more comments. Read up to the part about black maybe being in title of last book by McDonald?, right before he died. Today I love hospitals. But not always. Sorry he felt so hateful of them. I try to stay away from them as much as possible. At a cost. Kathy
Larry, this is one of the best Willfeord critiques I have ever read. He truly was one of a kind. I’m enjoying your work, and it just makes it better to know that you’re a Willeford fan. Thanks.