I’m delighted to report that LB just got back from two weeks in Belgium (Antwerp, Bruges, Ghent, and yes, he and Herself had a wonderful time) so now we can re-open LB’s eBay Bookstore.

We’ve got 92 titles listed, all but one of them by LB and signed by The Man Himself. (The one exception is Break Writer’s Block Now! by Jerrold Mundis; LB thinks so highly of the book that he bought up the stock when it was remaindered, and we’ve been selling it ever since. Aren’t you glad you asked?)

I’ve been promising to list more items from the seemingly endless treasure trove, but never seem to get around to it. Soon, I hope. Meanwhile, take a look at what we’ve got and see if there’s anything there you just can’t live without.

David Trevor for LB



